Worship ministry
Music can be a part of worship, but it was never meant to be the heart of it.
1. God wants you to worship Him
2. Worship is one of the most important ways of loving God
3. God wants you to worship Him according to His Word in Spirit and in Truth.
4. Singing and worshipping God on Sunday morning is just one facet of worship.
5. The heart of worship is surrendering your life to God.
We currently have one team including guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, and vocals.
We hold our Sunday worship service at 10:45 at 3756 Herman Rd.
If you would like to join the worship team, please contact Chrissy Banks at banksrat@fuse.net.
Children's ministry
We feel strongly about equipping the next generation of the church at RCC. We invest much time, effort and energy to make the Sunday service a valuable time for our elementary aged kids and younger. We offer Children's Church at the 10:45 service. Go to Upcoming Events to check out all our latest programs.
Life GroupS
Life groups happen when we gather together and fulfill the picture of the Church laid out in Acts 2. We are always looking to get people plugged into a life group and are also looking to launch new life groups! If interested in joining a life group, email ryan@rosscc.org.
The Men’s Ministry is to develop a community of men dedicated to cultivating real relationships and spiritual maturity. Our aim is to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another with intentional kingdom action and inclusive kingdom attitude.
As a men’s group we meet the first Saturday of each month for breakfast in the church coffee shop. We also find times throughout the year to participate in other events as a group, such as “RCC Work Days”, Vacation Bible School, church picnic, etc. For more information contact Randy Banks, randy.banks10@gmail.com
The Women's Ministry is here for all women. To build relationships with God, Community, and each other, through opportunities of fellowship, service and encouragement.
Throughout the year we stay busy with various events and ministry efforts, such as IF tables, bible studies, service projects, and much more.
For more information, contact our leadership team at womensministry@rosscc.org or visit our facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/godsgirlsrcc
Our Local Missions Team and CARE Team exists to take care of those in need or who have fallen on hard times in our community and surrounding area as modeled in Acts 6:1-6. The CARE Team focuses more on meeting the needs of those we know while the LMT will focus on creating avenues into the community to love and care for people as Christ did. For more information, email them at outreach@rosscc.org
Our GMT exists to help RCC fulfill the Great Commission around the world. We partner with missionaries in order to see the gospel go forth in unreached and untapped areas around the world. Our main ways of doing this is financial support and prayer while we also will do mission trips to support our missionaries in the field as well. Global missions will always be an expanding ministries here at RCC. For more information, contact Debbie Sauerland.
Students are not the future of the church, they are the church. We spend a lot of time and energy building into the younger generations. On Sunday mornings, our middle and high school students worship with us and then have their own time of teaching. For more information, reach out to Daniel McVay, youthminister@rosscc.org. Go to Upcoming Events to check out all our latest programs.